Project cover Syrenka.png

The Challenge


Every angler dreams of the perfect catch, but using lots of different apps for weather, location and tracking can be really annoying…


My team and our mentor after the project evaluation

My team and our mentor after the project evaluation

When my team first introduced Syrenka, a fishing companion app, we received great feedback:

“You have put a tremendous amount of energy and enthusiasm into learning all about fishing, and it shows in the product.” - UX Expert Review, SWPS University

“A cool foundation for a good product!” - Participant, Initial Usability Testing

However, as I grew in my UI design journey, I noticed important opportunities to improve the user experience. The challenge? Turning a good student project into a well-designed, user-focused product that really meets the needs of anglers!

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Initial mockups

Initial mockups

<aside> <img src="/icons/warning_gray.svg" alt="/icons/warning_gray.svg" width="40px" />

Key Problems


The Impact Preview